Parent app

Parent: Børnehave Software / App til ledelse i daginstitutioner

Vi er her for at give dig mere tid med børnene. Parent forbinder og forbedrer kommunikation og administration på en enkel og sikker platform.

Parent ApS: A Revolutionary Childcare Management Software …

Parent ApS: A Revolutionary Childcare Management Software/App

Parent childcare management software / app works on all major platforms, enabling you to work seamlessly across your browser, mobile device, tablet and computer …

Transform the way you manage your childcare center with our cutting-edge software! Schedule, budget, and communicate efficiently. Try it now!

Parent: Daginstitution løsning 4+ – App Store – Apple

Parent er en førende pasningsløsning, der gør administrationen af børnepasningscentre nemmere, så pædagoger kan fokusere mere på børns udvikling og …

Parent: Child Care App – Google Play

Parent: Child Care App – Apps i Google Play

Parent er en førende pasningsløsning, der gør administrationen af børnepasningscentre nemmere, så pædagoger kan fokusere mere på børns udvikling og …

Parent er en førende pasningsløsning

Parents – Apps i Google Play

Lær, hvordan du bliver den bedste mor eller far, du kan være for dit barn, med vores live-seminarer og premium-programmer. FUNKTIONER

Uddannelse for forældre

Neverskip | Parent Portal | K12 Educational Solutions

Welcome to Parent Portal! Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. © 2023 Neverskip Communication …

ClassCharts Parent App

Remember me. Forgot your password? Click here to reset. Log In. Email address. We store this securely in the UK, it’s used for you to login to the system …

Parent App – Beedle

Parent App | Beedle

The Beedle Parent App makes learning transparent for parents and guardians. Get access to: Assignments; Attendance records; Key deadlines and events; Diary …

Beedle is a tool for teachers using Microsoft Teams. Supercharge your Microsoft Teams with all of the unique possibilities Beedle provides.

SIMS Parent

Single Sign-On for your school’s teachers, staff and pupils.

Parent App – GoGuardian

GoGuardian Help Center

Unified Help Center > GoGuardian > GoGuardian Parent App. Remove. search icon. GoGuardian Parent For Guardians. Guardians: Getting Started with GoGuardian …

Keywords: parent app